At Home Routine
The At Home Routine is highly scalable to fit the intensity needed by the person doing the routine. The workout was originally designed for a female client in her 50’s. Between work and family, she had found keeping with a routine that required her to go to a gym problematic. So we put together a home workout, utilizing equipment she had. The equipment was a stationary bike, resistance bands with handles and a yoga mat. It’s not a long program, but it gets results and as you'll see from the download we've added a lot to make it a challenge for multiple fitness levels.

At Home Routine
Cardio Warm-up (Medium building to High Intensity)
•20 min bike ride
•Standing Squats – holding the banister – 1 Set - 20 reps
Using the resistance bands with handles wrap them around a banister or stable pole
•Chest Press – 2 Sets - 20 reps
•Standing Back Row – 2 Sets - 20 reps
•Overhead Press – 2 Sets - 20 reps
•High Elbow Row – 2 Sets - 20 reps
•Modified Push-up – 2 Sets - 20 reps
• Lunges with the banister - 2 Sets - 10 reps on each leg
Core work
•Leg Tucks – Laying on yoga mat - 2 Sets - 20 reps
•Pilates Sit-ups – Laying flat down - 2 Sets - 20 reps
•Standing High Knees – 60-90 seconds - 3 Sets