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We’ve been fortunate to be included in stories featured on multiple media outlets
Media Highlights
An indepth look at some of our favorite features
John speaks with Brittany Risher at Fitbit and gives 3 ways that people can navigate and hopefully maximize their home workouts during the pandemic. For more tips, check out John's Home Workout Guide.
John speaks with Openfit about ways to build strength without weights or machines. He provides several bodyweight exercises for all of the major muscle groups to build muscle size, strength, and endurance that can be done at home or outside. For more tips check out John's Home Workout Guide.

John explains how walking can help you reach your fitness and health goals. His insights on walking were featured in a piece on the NBCNews BETTER Site. Read more about how walking can benefit you and try John's treadmill walking workout.

John came up with 2 effective and quick cardio workouts to do during the holiday season. One of them is featured in the November/December 2016 issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers. The workouts are a great way to stay in shape and will keep you feeling good throughout the holidays. See them in their full detail on the JKF Fitness & Health Blog - Interval Cardio Workouts Great for Getting you through the Holidays

John talks to Thrillist Health about variations to the squat movement.
Read about and watch to learn his ultimate progression of moves to become a squat master on the JKF Fitness & Health Blog.

John gives Brit + Co one of his favorite treadmill workouts. Read more about the workout and get another fun one to try on the JKF Fitness & Health Blog!
One of our favorite pieces, John does a deep dive on what truly is the best way to get in-shape with Bustle.com. The article features a breakdown of our awesome Athlete's Challenge Workout and why it's so effective in getting results.